Dear Holy Spirit Parish:
“Putting his arms around a child he said to them, whoever receives one child
such as this in my name, receives me…”
(Mark 9:36)
In their Introductory Remarks included in today’s bulletin, the Bishops of the United Stares, write that although democratic elections are something to celebrate, they are “increasingly, it seems, a time of anxiety and spiritual trial. Political rhetoric is increasingly angry, seeking to motivate primarily through division and hatred.” In response, the bishops offer the moral vision of the Church “inspired by the Good Samaritan, with the hope of binding these wounds and healing these bitter divisions.”
Quoting Pope Francis’ Document Fratelli Tutti they point to serving the least among us as the place where we will find unity. “Here, all or distinctions, labels and masks fall away: it is the moment of truth. Will we bend down to touch and heal the wounds of others? Let this be in our hearts when we talk about politics and. make political choices.” And just to make the connection with today’s Gospel, when we do turn from arguing with one another to caring for the least among us, we are turning to Christ.
I see the Bishop’s words as further encouragement for all of us to be a part of some small group community where we can grow the trust to talk about these difficult things and then together put our faith into action. And we have wonderful opportunities to do that right here at Holy Spirit Parish. If you did not bring in your Stewardship of Time Pledge Card to Mass this weekend, it is not too late! The Pledge Card can be filled out on the parish website. Even if you miss the first meeting or two, all these opportunities will still welcome your joining them.
What a perfect time for Spirit Nights! I hope hearing Peter’s introduction at Mass this weekend has you determined to come to our three evening gatherings this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 6:30pm. Along with these parish wide gatherings Peter will be sharing a meal with our Parish Council Monday evening. On Tuesday morning he is leading a retreat for our parish staff and St. Bron’s parish staff. It will be an opportunity for our new staff and Fr. Arturo at St. Bron’s to learn the foundational principles of the Divine Renovation movement. Tuesday, before the evening session he will share a meal with those involved in OCIA. Wednesday he will gather with our Point Catholic Student leaders before the closing evening session.
There will be Adoration and the opportunity for Reconciliation during the Tuesday evening session. We have several priests coming in to assist. After each evening session there will be a social. Peter’s goal is to release the Holy Spirit among us by healing and opening hearts. I believe if we come aware of our need to be healed and ready to assist in one another’s healing, Peter’s hope will be realized.
Fr. Steve
For more information on OCIA please click here
For more information on Alpha please click here
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